Senior Citizens Class 31



Convenor:           905-729-2225

This section is for men and women over the age of 65.

Section – Baking – Senior baking is still included and now found in the Culinary Art section – Class 27



  1. All articles may be shown ONLY TWICE before being disqualified.
  2. All needlework must include a swatch of fabric, yarn or floss used in the entry.
  3. Judge’s decisions are final and they will be instructed by directors to discard all soiled, defaced or old work.
  4. In case of no competition, the prize will be withheld unless the exhibit is worthy.
  5. New exhibitor or anyone who did not show in Class 31 in 2022 or 2023, mark “New Exhibitor”on the front of entry tag.
  6. All other rules of Homecraft Division apply.



Prizes for section 1-11: 1ST: $5.00 2ND: $4.00 3RD: $3.00

  1. Knitted or crochet, baby set, sweater or jacket and bonnet
  2. Cross-stitch item, no larger than 10”x10”, any theme
  3. Cowl or scarf, any technique
  4. Article made of wood
  5. Picture frame, any medium
  6. Table centerpiece, any technique
  7. Hanging door decoration
  8. Decorated tissue holder
  9. Knitted socks or slippers
  10. Any season hostess gift
  11. Christmas tree ornament
  12. Special: Best of Show, Class 31, section 1-11. Prize:$10.00
  13. Special: New Exhibitor (anyone who did not show in 2019 or 2022) with most points
  14. Special: Exhibitor with most points in Class 31. Prize: $20.00, donated by the Beeton Agricultural Society

Click the tabs below to get instructions, entry forms and rules from each of the tabs.

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