2024 Prize Book and Competition Information Online Now

Ribbons at Beeton Fall Fair

Beeton Fall Fair 2024: Celebrating “Country Memories”

We’re excited to announce that the 2024 Prize Book and competition details are now live on the Beeton Fall Fair website! Get ready to be part of an unforgettable celebration of rural life and community spirit.

Explore Our 2024 Competitions

Visit our competitions page to discover this year’s categories and plan your entries. From homecraft to agriculture, there’s something for everyone to showcase their talents and passion.

“Country Memories”: A Theme to Cherish

This year, we’re taking a nostalgic journey with our theme, “Country Memories.” It’s an invitation to revisit the cherished moments, traditions, and experiences that make rural life so special. We’ve woven this theme throughout our competition categories, offering you countless ways to express your fondest country recollections.

A Fair That Grows with Our Community

The Beeton Fall Fair continues to evolve, thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, exhibitors, and staff. Their commitment ensures that our fair remains a vibrant celebration of rural life and a platform for community talent.

Learning Through Fun

At the heart of our fair is a commitment to education. We strive to present agriculture and rural life in ways that inform and inspire visitors of all ages. Through hands-on experiences and engaging displays, we aim to deepen everyone’s appreciation for our agricultural heritage.

Excellence on Display

Competition remains a cornerstone of our fair, showcasing the finest in local produce, livestock, and craftsmanship. This pursuit of excellence entertains and drives innovation and quality in our rural industries.

Be Part of the Tradition

Whether you’re a long-time participant or considering your first entry, the Beeton Fall Fair offers a unique opportunity to be part of a treasured community tradition. Join us in celebrating the spirit of rural Ontario and creating new “Country Memories” together.

We can’t wait to see your entries and welcome you to this year’s fair. Let’s make the 2024 Beeton Fall Fair a memorable chapter in our community’s story!

Beeton & District Agricultural Society – Where Country Memories Come to Life
